5 Quick Cocktail Ideas for House Parties
Whenever the word “Party” hits our mind, the first thing that we think of is, “Food, excitement and lots and lots of amazing drinks”. The trend for house parties is on the rise due to the ongoing uncertain times. Instead of spending thousands of bucks on bars and pubs, house parties makes more sense. Who doesn’t love to enjoy their own comfy place with people close to them?

However, when it’s a house party you definitely need to be more organized in terms of space, food and drinks. To make the best of your house party is kind of pressure for real. For that, you should go through a quick checklist of some must-haves of a house party. The food, decoration, lighting, music, drinks. Above all, the main aspect that makes a house party enthusiastic is friends and drinks.
Here are 5 quick yet amazing restaurant like cocktail recipes that you can prepare at home and serve with love to your guests. So be ready to head towards the way to become the coolest party host:
Sugarcane Mojito

An authentic desi cocktail for your pure “Jigri Yaar”.
Ingredients: Sugarcane juice, Vodka, Chaat Masala and Cumin powder.
Recipe: All you have to do is mix Sugarcane juice with Vodka, add a pinch of black salt, Chaat masala and cumin powder and boom. The cocktail is ready to serve. Add some ice and decorate it as you want and you’re good to go. A chilled cocktail drink to chill along.
Champagne Mojito

A tangy-sweet cocktail.
Ingredients: Lime, Sugar, Mint leaves and Champagne.
Recipe: Take sugar and water in the ratio of 1:2 respectively and cook them together to prepare sugar syrup and let it cool at room temperature. In another vessel pour lime juice, mint leaves and sugar syrup. Stir them well to form a mixture. Leave the mixture for 2 - 3 minutes to let the mint leaves soaked in it to produce a flavour in that mixture. Take the wine glass, pour the champagne and add that mixture into it. Add some ice cubes, decorate it with lime pieces and serve chilled.
Chai Martini

A sweet cocktail perfect for chai lovers.
Ingredients: Masala tea bag, Nutmeg, Vodka, any other fruit flavour and crushed ice.
Recipe: Boil the tea bag in water and refrigerate the tea water. In a martini maker, mix tea water with crushed ice, fruit flavour and vodka stir well. Garnish with a pinch of nutmeg powder.
Pro Tip: You can prepare tea water as per your serving list prior to garnishing just to avoid the last-minute rush as it takes a couple of minutes in refrigerating.
Melon and Cucumber Martini

A fruity, refreshing yet quick cocktail for beginner drinkers.
Ingredients: Cucumber, Melon, Lime, Basil leaves, Ice cubes and vodka.
Recipe: Cut cucumber and melon into pieces blend them in a blender together. Take a wine glass and pour a very less amount of vodka and add the blended mixture in it, squeeze lemon on it and the cocktail is all set to be served. Garish with basil leaves and crushed ice cubes.
Ginger Martini

A must-have cocktail for freezy winters.
Ingredients: Honey, Lemon, Ginger, Orange juice and Rum.
Recipe: Take hot water in a mug, pour crushed ginger, honey and orange juice into it. Stir well until they get dissolved. Drain it into a wine glass, add Rum into it as per your need and serve hot.
Pro Tip: You can boil the same drained material and use it again to make another glass. It will save your time for gossips.
Can’t wait to throw a house party and try these amazing cocktail recipes? Well, we understand this excitement. You can also try these at your date night, family dinner or a solo movie night. Trust me, they are never going to regret having any of them and will never going to forget the zest of your handmade cocktail drinks.
What are you waiting for? Call your friends and offer them these amazing cocktails. Don’t forget to tell us about your experience in trying these and also tell us about your favourite among them.